Devo Deaves

It’s no secret that I’m rather partial to a bit of pixel art and that I have a great love of 8-bit and 16-bit generation gaming, having grown up with those classic systems and games and I still maintain a respectable retro collection. I bring this up because
by Devo Deaves
At some point or another in life it seems like just about everyone wants to be a marine biologist. We’ve all been or at least met that person but perhaps unfortunately, not many will go on to actually work in that field and for those few who do make
by Devo Deaves
I don’t follow many sports, certainly not to any high degree, preferring to take part in the activities when possible rather than watch. As such I can’t really give an opinion on Tour De France 2020 as a fan of the event. It’s something I have often
by Devo Deaves
I’m sure I am not alone in this, but I have a bit of a fascination with sharks. I’m not entirely sure where or when that started but there’s no denying that these are magnificent creatures. They are sleek, powerful, graceful and perfectly adapted to survive in
by Devo Deaves
It’s been almost 26 years since the last time a brand new Streets of Rage game was released. The original Streets of Rage was released in 1991 on the Sega Genesis, Streets of Rage 2 would follow in 1992 (early 1993 outside of North America) and Streets of Rage
by Devo Deaves
Some years ago I owned an in-car GPS device. For the most part it worked well, a few right turns here and a few left turns there and before I knew it I had arrived at my destination. But on some occasions this particular GPS would be overcome with the
by Devo Deaves
It isn’t unusual for a video game to delve into 30 or 40-hour playtime territory, even hundreds of hours is not uncommon. But a game doesn’t always have to be vast and sprawling in order to make an impression. Enter 198X from Hi-Bit Studios which began as a
by Devo Deaves
There have been a great number of awesome fighting games over the years from Mortal Kombat 11 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in recent years, going back to the greats of old like Super Street Fighter II. But among all those well known and loved titles, it’s easy to
by Devo Deaves