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David Flynn

David is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. He can find positives in anything, like this is a person who loved Star Fox Zero to death. You’ll see him playing all kinds of games.

Number of Articles 703
David Flynn's Work 703 Articles
Reviews   -   May 16, 2022 Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising review — Rising excitement
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising review — Rising excitement

The Barrows of New Nevaeh have long remained sealed, until a massive earthquake unearthed them beneath the quarry. With tons of ancient artifacts just waiting to be discovered, the town invites adventurers from all over to explore and find their fortunes (pre-tax of course). CJ is one such adventurer, or

by David Flynn
Previews   -   May 14, 2022 Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds preview — Toying with another world
Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds preview — Toying with another world

What if the worlds we play in online games were actually real? In the distant future, a corporation has created Soul Dive Technology, which allows players to fully immerse themselves in a virtual world. Something seems off, however, as NPCs don’t quite act like mindless automatons – they appear to

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   May 09, 2022 Syberia – The World Before review — The hymm of Vaghen
Syberia – The World Before review — The hymm of Vaghen

Facism is a rot, a disease. It starts small, seemingly innocuous, it can’t really be harmful, can it? But if you let it grow, even a little, it will take more and more from you until nothing and no one is left. Dana Roze is a young pianist studying

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   May 07, 2022 Nintendo Switch Sports review — Foul ball
Nintendo Switch Sports review — Foul ball

Everyone and their grandma loved Wii Sports. It was the pack-in game that sold a console to millions of people who didn’t even like video games that much. The game appealed to everyone because it was simple enough to understand in a few seconds and you could quickly and

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   May 04, 2022 Bugsnax: The Isle of BIGsnax + Switch port review — Characteristic crunchyness
Bugsnax: The Isle of BIGsnax + Switch port review — Characteristic crunchyness

A new island filled with Bugsnax has appeared just off of Snacktooth. You, along with four friends (?) including Chandlo, Floofty, Shelda, and Triffany set sail to the island. Just like Snacktooth, Brokentooth is populated almost entirely by Bugsnax – but they’ve grown to massive size! Luckily the ancient Grumpus civilization

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   May 03, 2022 Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines – Heartless Lullaby review — Bloody short
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines – Heartless Lullaby review — Bloody short

It’s not often we see games that are the equivalent of short stories. Heck, nowadays people get upset if a game you pay 10 dollars for isn’t at least 10 hours long. Some recent World of Darkness games have been filling this niche, however, such as Heart of

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Apr 20, 2022 Anuchard review — Rings a bell
Anuchard review — Rings a bell

The floating continent of Anuchard has long since fallen. Its people scattered across the world, all that remains is a small village near the coast and the mysterious dungeon. The five guardian deities retreated to the dungeon depths before the fall, and any who enter after them return as statues.

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Apr 18, 2022 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim review on switch — Switch means life
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim review on switch — Switch means life

In the year 1985, Aliens attack the earth. Having already decimated both the past and future, the fate of the present rests on the shoulders of 13 youths. These high school students come from different eras and backgrounds but unite together aboard their sentinels to defeat the Deimos threat. 13

by David Flynn
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