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David Flynn

David is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. He can find positives in anything, like this is a person who loved Star Fox Zero to death. You’ll see him playing all kinds of games.

Number of Articles 703
David Flynn's Work 703 Articles
Previews   -   Mar 16, 2023 Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly preview — Old friends, new flavors
Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly preview — Old friends, new flavors

2020’s Coffee Talk was a cozy visual novel about an alternate reality Seattle, chronicling the lives of the titular cafe’s patrons. It was chill, thought provoking and, despite lacking traditional choices, had quite a lot of variance in how the story could play out. Now in 2023 we’

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Mar 09, 2023 The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure review — For whom Crossbell tolls
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure review — For whom Crossbell tolls

The state of Crossbell has moved to declare its independence. Negotiations at the Zemuria Trade Conference were underway when Mayor Crois proposed that the city be released from the yoke of both the Erebonian Empire and the Calvard Republic. The Special Support Squad, led by Lloyd Bannings, continues to investigate

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Mar 04, 2023 Scars Above review — Frighteningly average
Scars Above review — Frighteningly average

It’s always depressing when a work with interesting ideas behind it ends up not fulfilling that potential. Not just because I have to play an uninteresting game, but also because the developers behind the title don’t get to realize their vision properly – and they usually only get one

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Feb 27, 2023 Theatrhythm Final Bar Line review — Historia crux
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line review — Historia crux

Correction: Stranger of Paradise is represented in the game. However, there are still notable titles missing so the point still stands. Final Fantasy has some of the best music in video games, so it’s no surprise that the franchise would eventually delve into the rhythm game scene. Of course,

by David Flynn
News   -   Feb 23, 2023 The Pale Beyond review — Here’s a health to the company
The Pale Beyond review — Here’s a health to the company

“Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme. Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine. Come lift up your voices, all grief to refrain. For we may or might never all leave here again.” The crew’s song echoes across the ice flow. The words won’t

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Feb 22, 2023 Gun Jam review — My bullets have beats
Gun Jam review — My bullets have beats

I think everyone has imagined action scenes playing out to whatever tunes are playing on the radio. Sure, on the outside most may call AMVs or fan fiction cringy, but we all like to indulge once in a while, and music is a good way to facilitate that. If you’

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Feb 17, 2023 Like A Dragon: Ishin! review — The price of revolution
Like A Dragon: Ishin! review — The price of revolution

1866 Japan, the Tosa region. Sakamoto Ryoma has just returned from training in Edo to aid his adoptive father and sworn brother in revolutionizing the country by abolishing the caste system. Suddenly, Ryoma’s father is killed by a masked man using a strange sword style, framing Ryoma for the

by David Flynn
Reviews   -   Feb 16, 2023 Metroid Prime Remastered review — Taking control
Metroid Prime Remastered review — Taking control

Metroid Prime by Nintendo and Retro Studios is regarded as one of the greatest games ever made. When it first launched in 2002, it received critical and commercial success, being lauded as a step forward in the FPS genre. If you’ve read my Metroid Dread review, you’ll know

by David Flynn
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