David Flynn
David is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. He can find positives in anything, like this is a person who loved Star Fox Zero to death. You’ll see him playing all kinds of games.

Dragon Quest X is a game I’ve been following for a long time, ever since it’s Japan only release on the Wii in 2012. DQX is an MMORPG, which gave us western fans little to no hope that it would ever leave Japan, considering releasing an online game
by David Flynn
In ancient times, those who wielded the trombone gained admiration, respect, and power in their battle against the forces of evil. These tromboners, once guided by the baboons, have long since passed into legend. However, stories tell of a coming tromboner who will surpass all others and finally end the
by David Flynn
There’s something so cozy about city builders. You lay the groundwork, then watch all those tiny people going about their days from on high. Even without the simulation aspect, it feels nice to build something. ISLANDERS: VR Edition gives me that same feeling, even if everything surrounding the building
by David Flynn
There are a lot of reasons Pokémon is special. Catching and raising a team has a feeling of bonding you just don’t get in Shin Megami Tensei or Dragon Quest Monsters. The world is cozy and has new discoveries everywhere. The games themselves foster community and collaboration like nothing
by David Flynn
Space Force One is going down. President of the NUSA (That’s New USA), Rosalind Myers, needs Night City’s best merc to help her delta the hell out of Dogtown before local warlord Kurt Hansen can cause an international incident – a flatlined President wouldn’t look good on the
by David Flynn
In the fight against Zoraxis, Agent Phoenix (that’s you) is The Agency’s best asset. Phoenix’s latest job is to investigate Dr. Prism, the genius behind the Telekinesis implant, after her departure from The Agency following the failure of her Robot Agent project. Ensuring her safety and preventing
by David Flynn
Rune Factory has held a special place in my heart since the first entry back on the DS in 2006. It combines relaxing farm and social sim elements from Story of Seasons with action RPG mechanics in a way that really shouldn’t work, and yet it does. It’s
by David Flynn
All City – the goal of every writer in New Amsterdam. To have your crew control every territory in the city and have your art plastered all over. Only a few writers have accomplished this or even come close, and Faux is one of them. Unfortunately, he’s currently in jail,
by David Flynn