David Flynn
David is the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. He can find positives in anything, like this is a person who loved Star Fox Zero to death. You’ll see him playing all kinds of games.

Super Mario RPG has a glowing reputation among gamers and developers alike. Despite only playing it for the first time last year, I can see that is for good reason. It made turn-based battles more involved through timed hits, added some light platforming to exploration, and perhaps most importantly, remained
by David Flynn
One year after the events of Tales of Arise, tensions between Renans and Dahnans still run high. The twin worlds merging is seen less as an entirely new world and more as Dahna simply absorbing Rena, with Alphen seen as the destroyer of Lenegis or the savior of Dahna. Alphen
by David Flynn
Everything in Teardown is destructible. That’s not an exaggeration, the game is made of voxels which, in essence, makes all terrain, furniture, objects, and buildings destructible and movable provided you have the right tools. It’s some very cool tech, but surprisingly hasn’t seen much interesting use. Teardown
by David Flynn
While I have built my own PC and upgraded it several times over the years, I am still fairly new to evaluating hardware itself. I prefer to be a bit more casual with these, case i point, what the heck is RAM? Random Access Memory is essentially your computer’s
by David Flynn
Fashion is one of my favorite parts of gaming. From appreciating cool character designs to Final Fantasy XIV’s Glamour endgame, creating an outfit for every situation is just fun. This is especially true as someone who doesn’t currently engage with fashion much in real life. It certainly helps
by David Flynn
Slamming figures together was a staple of toys back in the 90s and 2000s. Jump forward a couple decades and we’ve reached the point where companies realize they can weaponize this in the form of games like Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. A sequel to the seemingly successful crossover game
by David Flynn
The simulator genre has gotten a bit weird over the years, with parody games like Goat Simulator and more out there titles like PC Building Simulator, but PowerWash Simulator reminds me of why this kind of game is appealing in the first place. You take something normally tedious, strip out
by David Flynn
I started Star Ocean The Second Story R with high hopes. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the two others I’ve played so far, First Departure R and The Divine Force, and I’ve heard great things about the series’ second entry. For the first several hours, it was exactly what
by David Flynn