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Codi Spence

Number of Articles 273
Codi Spence's Work 273 Articles
Previews   -   Jan 23, 2019 A new world is coming — Far Cry New Dawn preview
A new world is coming — Far Cry New Dawn preview

The Far Cry series has offered some incredible stories, locales, and gameplay over the years. I began my Far Cry journey back in Far Cry 3, then moved on to Far Cry 4, and thoroughly enjoyed Far Cry 5. So when I found out that Far Cry 5 was getting

by Codi Spence
Previews   -   Jan 22, 2019 Rev up, ride, and rise — Trials Rising preview
Rev up, ride, and rise — Trials Rising preview

Motorcycle games have been incredibly popular over the years, starting with early games like Excitebike, and evolving into games like the Trials series. Entries in the Trials franchise combine the thrill of racing with the skill of balancing a bike. These games are easy to pick up but hard to

by Codi Spence
Reviews   -   Dec 14, 2018 Multi-tasking Architecture — Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig review
Multi-tasking Architecture — Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig review

Have you ever wanted to create your own castle? Finding a way to live in one of those magnificent structures was a dream to many in the past, and continues today in the form of mansions. Castles typically were home to royal families, and comprised many elegant rooms, making them

by Codi Spence
Reviews   -   Dec 06, 2018 Survival Devolved — Ark: Survival Evolved review
Survival Devolved — Ark: Survival Evolved review

Ports of games are usually a good idea, as they offer more opportunities for gamers to play games on different systems. This is especially wonderful when certain titles are exclusive to one system, but end up branching out to reach a wider audience. That being said, the ports don’t

by Codi Spence
Reviews   -   Nov 27, 2018 From domesticated to a wild cat — Cattails review
From domesticated to a wild cat — Cattails review

Picture this: a cat living a wonderful life with a human family of its own. The family goes for a drive with their pet, stopping at the side of the road near a forest. They all get out, but when they get in to leave, the cat is left outside.

by Codi Spence
Reviews   -   Nov 24, 2018 From nostalgic to corrupted — Bendy and the Ink Machine review
From nostalgic to corrupted — Bendy and the Ink Machine review

Cartoons have evolved tremendously over the years, making their way from being simplistic, black and white amusements to complex and colorful creations that grace our screens today. While today’s animation has been streamlined by the advent of CGI, the cartoons of yesteryear were born out of weeks of painstaking

by Codi Spence
News   -   Nov 20, 2018 Take a corrupted walk down memory lane in Bendy and the Ink Machine now on consoles
Take a corrupted walk down memory lane in Bendy and the Ink Machine now on consoles

Today, Rooster Teeth has announced that Bendy and the Ink Machine is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Bendy and the Ink Machine has had much success on Steam, coming out in an episodic manner. Now, after the story has come to a close, console gamers

by Codi Spence
News   -   Nov 20, 2018 Go to war with three Total War Definitive Editions now on Steam
Go to war with three Total War Definitive Editions now on Steam

Today, Creative Assembly announced that definitive editions of three of their strategy titles are now available on Steam. The three titles are Total War: Empire, Total War: Medieval II, and Total War: Napoleon. Control the land and command the seas. Total War: EMPIRE immerses you in the Age of Enlightenment,

by Codi Spence
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