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Calvin Trager

Number of Articles 11
Calvin Trager's Work 11 Articles
Reviews   -   Feb 22, 2018 A Letter to Blowfish Studios – The Deer God Review
A Letter to Blowfish Studios – The Deer God Review

Dear Blowfish Studios, I like your game, I really do. I like it because of the potential it has, as well as the tone and aesthetic it presents itself. There’s something beneath the surface of this title, something deep and breathtaking that I just know exists, because everything that’

by Calvin Trager
Reviews   -   Feb 02, 2018 Forgiving Intimidation — A Monster Hunter: World review
Forgiving Intimidation — A Monster Hunter: World review

This was a collaboration between two of our members: Calvin Trager and Codi Spence. Codi Spence had the more positive experience with the game, while Calvin Trager had a positive experience despite the things that jarred him. Monster Hunter: World, developed and published by Capcom, is taking the world by

by Calvin Trager
Reviews   -   Oct 31, 2017 Run, jump, and nothing more – Poi: Explorer Edition review
This is not a star, I swear.

Last week, Poi: Explorer Edition, developed by Polykid and published by Alliance Digital Media, was released for the Nintendo Switch. You can find the trailer for it here. Some of you may be aware of this title already; Poi, the original, was released on Steam back in early February, and

by Calvin Trager
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