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Cade Davie

Number of Articles 2
Cade Davie's Work 2 Articles
Reviews   -   May 01, 2021 O father, where art thou? – SELF: Where’s my father? Review
O father, where art thou? – SELF: Where’s my father? Review

Oh, indie games. What a mixed bag you can be. Oftentimes, indie games are the reason I get out of bed in the morning. I’m always searching for the next indie that makes me rethink the way games are made. Undertale, Outer Wilds, What Remains of Edith Finch, and

by Cade Davie
Reviews   -   May 01, 2021 Malicious residence — Heaven Dust Review
Malicious residence — Heaven Dust Review

Can you believe that it has been twenty-five years since the birth of the Resident Evil franchise? I say that as if I was one of the many to experience the original release of Resident Evil, but that would have been impossible since I was only a year old at

by Cade Davie
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