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Bryan Ertmer

Number of Articles 41
Bryan Ertmer's Work 41 Articles
Reviews   -   Feb 26, 2015 Audio heaven: HyperX Cloud II headset review
Audio heaven: HyperX Cloud II headset review

Many people forgot the importance of a good sound system. Hearing footsteps behind you, to just listening to rain falling, a great sound system can change how you view a game.  The Kingston HyperX Cloud ll, is not only a fantastic headset, but may be a game-changer in the world

by Bryan Ertmer
Interviews   -   Feb 13, 2015 Amped-up Soldiers: Battlefield Hardline discussion
Amped-up Soldiers: Battlefield Hardline discussion

Battlefield Hardline is reimagining itself with a huge emphasis on speed. Through the new gadgets, vehicles, gameplay modes, and maps, speed will completely change how Hardline plays compared to past games. I recently sat down for a roundtable discussion with Thad Sasser, lead multiplayer designer for Hardline, and PR Manager

by Bryan Ertmer
Reviews   -   Feb 12, 2015 Homecoming; Cities XXL review
Homecoming; Cities XXL review

Cities XXL is a fun and challenging city building game. It rivals the SimCity franchises in ambition and innovation. Unfortunately, for this installment I have to be upfront and say, the game is not worth your money or time if you own Cities XL. There has been a ton of

by Bryan Ertmer
Impressions   -   Feb 08, 2015 Battlefield: Hardline beta impressions
Battlefield: Hardline beta impressions

The Battlefield: Hardline beta feels familiar, and I don’t know how I feel about that. My biggest complaint was it looked and felt like a reskinned version of Battlefield 4. It is looking polished, especially for a beta, and the controls felt well-thought-out and tight. It has the ability

by Bryan Ertmer
Reviews   -   Nov 15, 2014 Endless deaths; Dungeon of the Endless review
Endless deaths; Dungeon of the Endless review

I thought everything was perfect. I had strategically placed turrets and healing modules along my path to freedom. I had the rooms along my escape route lit up. I was sitting happily in the tenth out of twelve dungeons and was ready to set my adventurers free on the surface.

by Bryan Ertmer
Reviews   -   Sep 29, 2014 Emotions run wild; The Sims 4 review
Emotions run wild; The Sims 4 review

The Sims franchise has always been a staple in PC gaming, and the newest installment pushes the series forward while somehow taking a few steps back from The Sims 3. The Sims 4 adds life to your virtual misfits and truly pushes the boundaries of a life simulation. With a

by Bryan Ertmer
Reviews   -   Sep 10, 2014 High definition slashing: Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition review
High definition slashing: Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition review

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition is stupid, bloody fun in the most sincere way. It is a great game that revolves around slaying hordes of zombies with ridiculous weapons, while wearing even more ludicrous costumes. The Dead Rising games have always been a parody of the zombie genre and push

by Bryan Ertmer
Reviews   -   Aug 21, 2014 Into Nexus; WildStar review
Into Nexus; WildStar review

In a current market that is oversaturated with MMO’s, WildStar has an uphill battle in front of it. It is a game that has a set tone that people will love or be turned away from. This is a game that has taken what has worked in the best

by Bryan Ertmer
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