Ben Lombardo

There’s no doubt in everyone’s mind that the tank department is lacking a few characters. Upon the release of Overwatch 2 we did receive Junker Queen, who once was the most survivable tank on the roster (until she got nerfed into oblivion). Now, she’s far less of
by Ben Lombardo
Player vs Enemy, even just saying those words gets me uncomfortable. We’ve had many games in the past come out from this genre, and of the 100 or so released, we might get one or two gems hidden in the sand. Most recently, I’ve played Aliens: Fireteam Elite,
by Ben Lombardo
Let me ask you a question. At their core, what makes multiplayer games fun for you? You might say it’s “a sense of community” or “the competitive spirit”. For me, it’s the reward of knowing I’m working towards something. Every win, hell, every second of the experience
by Ben Lombardo
We can all agree that the hack and slash genre can be hit or miss. On the one hand you have God of War, which is just amazing. On the other, you get the unfortunate miss of Babylon’s Fall. Oof, that one’s not been taken too highly. I’
by Ben Lombardo
When id Software created Doom, do you think it would have spurred nearly 30 years of clones? I don’t think you could ever account for that possibility. For many, many years these clones were a dime a dozen; the quality lacked and the gameplay was so boring that there
by Ben Lombardo
It’s safe to say that music and sound design make up for a huge chunk of our gaming experiences, even if it is subliminal. Games like Doom try to put big bassy sounds in just about anything that can move, while others like Elden Ring create a sense of
by Ben Lombardo
I’m a massive sucker for stealth games, especially now that they’re such a dying breed. If you’ve read my reviews before, you’ll know that these games are my bread and butter. I love them to bits, and it really sucks seeing them being trodden on and
by Ben Lombardo
The last time I truly played a voxel game was Cloudpunk, and if you’ve read that review then you’ll know my thoughts on how that went. Since then, voxel games have left a bad taste in my mouth. But Teardown? Now that was something that was sure to
by Ben Lombardo