Ben Lombardo

How often do you find yourself carrying a portable gaming console? Are you a mobile gamer, preferring to play on your phone with the ability to play at a moment’s notice? How about someone who likes the beefier consoles, like the Nintendo Switch or Steam Deck? Maybe you carry
by Ben Lombardo
Although I’m mostly a PC player nowadays, I still keep a controller nearby in case it would benefit a given game. Like Hades, and most hack-and-slash games, it’s very difficult to play them on keyboard and mouse. Or more niche things, like Starfield’s ship builder — which is
by Ben Lombardo
2016 was when I chose PC gaming as my go-to system. I had a chair gifted to me by a family member, and while the sentiment was lovely, the chair was not. But I didn’t mind, at least not for the first five years. It was covered in this
by Ben Lombardo
There’s something about leather that just hits in a different way than a lot of other materials. Maybe it’s the feeling of luxury associated with it, or maybe it’s because it looks great and feels even better. GRAMS28 knows this, as they’ve designed all their products
by Ben Lombardo
We can confirm Overwatch 2 is working in collaboration with automobile company Porsche. Yes, the Porsche. We’re just as surprised as you. All the details are below: In Season 10, Overwatch is joining up with the legendary auto company Porsche for a new in-game collaboration. This collaboration will feature
by Ben Lombardo
Mobile gaming is a difficult beast to tame. On the one hand, you have the “Do you not have phones?” saga that will forever live on in memory as one of the most out-of-touch gaming design choices in history. On the other hand, you have an extremely profitable and high-traffic
by Ben Lombardo
It’s maddening to think that games might take three, four, five, maybe even six years from the proof of concept phase to the final product. Of course, The Elder Scrolls: IV is probably another couple of years out, and that was announced back in 2018! That’s insane. But,
by Ben Lombardo
The bag you carry every day says more about you than you think; both aesthetically and practically. Think about it. Someone carrying a clutch or waist bag might only need the essentials — their phone, wallet, keys, a box of tic-tacs, or some gum. Each step up you take, like a
by Ben Lombardo