
NCAA Football 12 Hits the Shelves


While there is some doubt whether there will be an NFL season, there is no doubt that the college football season will be in full force soon.  Today EA has announced that NCAA Football 12 is now available on store shelves.

NCAA Football 12 delivers the pride and pageantry of game day Saturday like never before with new presentation, including—for the first time ever—animal mascots like Uga (Georgia), Bevo (Texas) and Mike the Tiger (LSU).  With new pre-game traditions like the Sooner Schooner (Oklahoma), Ramblin’ Wreck (Georgia Tech), Chief Osceola (FSU) and Traveler with Trojan Rider (USC), plus an all-new momentum-based collision system that allows fans to control their player up until the moment of impact, the look and feel of NCAA Football 12 rises to a whole new level.

Through the Road to Glory and Dynasty modes, fans have the ability to experience the emotion of the college football journey as a high school superstar, top student-athlete and even a head coach.  In Road to Glory, fans can now play both sides of the ball in high school while being recruited by schools for each position.  Entering college, fans must choose which side of the ball to play on, then fight to keep their starting job and earn their coach’s trust to unlock extra abilities, all while keeping sights set on becoming a Heisman trophy winner.

Are these improvements going to make it the winner at the BCS College Bowl?  You’ll need to take it for a spin yourself to find out.  It sure does look good though, as you can see in these screenshots.

Senior Tabletop Editor | [email protected]

While not working as a Database Administrator, Keith Schleicher has been associated with Gaming Trend since 2003. While his love of video games started with the Telestar Alpha (a pong console with four different games), he trule started playing video games when he received the ill-fated TI-99/4A. While the Speech Synthesizer seemed to be the height of gaming, eventually a 286 AT computer running at 8/12 Hz and a CGA monitor would be his outlet for a while. Eventually he’d graduate to 386, 486, Pentium, and Athlon systems, building some of those systems while doing some hardware reviews and attending Comdex. With the release of the Dreamcast that started his conversion to the console world. Since then he has acquired an NES, SNES, PS2, PS3, PSP, GBA-SP, DS, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One S, Gamecube, Wii, Switch, and Oculus Quest 2. While not playing video games he enjoys bowling, reading, playing board games, listening to music, and watching movies and TV. He originally hails from Wisconsin but is now living in Michigan with his wife and sons.

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