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Non-stop intensity — Akashicforce review
Reviews   -   Mar 28, 2019 Non-stop intensity — Akashicforce review

One of the best things about video games is the vast amount of different genres and difficulties. You have your carefree, easy-going experiences, your intense, fast-paced games, and everything in-between. Upon seeing that Akashicforce was described as a rhythm-like puzzle game, I thought it might top out somewhere in the

by Codi Spence
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Reviews   -   Mar 28, 2019 Non-stop intensity — Akashicforce review
Non-stop intensity — Akashicforce review

One of the best things about video games is the vast amount of different genres and difficulties. You have your carefree, easy-going experiences, your intense, fast-paced games, and everything in-between. Upon seeing that Akashicforce was described as a rhythm-like puzzle game, I thought it might top out somewhere in the

by Codi Spence
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