Victor Grunn

Norm Macdonald once said there were only two classes of competitor in skydiving: grand champion, and “stuff on a rock.” My experience with fighting games feels similar. From Street Fighter to Injustice: Gods Among Us, I’m either completely decking my opponent into submission, or getting juggle-combo-chained in a brutal
by Victor Grunn
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is finally upon us, bringing a massive influx of new content and story to the land of Kryta. But is the addition of new areas, additional story chapters, mounts and elite specializations enough to make the latest expansion worth it for established players? The
by Victor Grunn
Let’s get this out of the way: I’m not what you’d call the target audience for ‘mystery loot crates.’ To start with, I hate mysteries. In fact, almost everyone hates mysteries, which is why we have whole industries and fields of study devoted to getting rid of
by Victor Grunn
Space Hulk: Deathwing (hereafter “Deathwing”) is fast approaching its December 9th release date, and I’ve managed to sink my claws into the multiplayer co-op beta. For those of you who haven’t been following this one, this is a game set in Games Workshop’s ever-popular Warhammer 40k universe,
by Victor Grunn
The prospect of an online multiplayer Warhammer 40k shooter is something I’ve been dreaming about for a while. I’m one of those guys who loves the 40k universe despite never having played the tabletop game: Dawn of War hooked me on the setting, and subsequent forays into the
by Victor Grunn
Once again, it’s time for the World of Warcraft experience to take in another injection of fresh content in the form of an expansion pack – and this time around, Legion is the name of the game. Azeroth’s intergalactic demon-forces have decided to make a dramatic re-entry into the
by Victor Grunn
Reading the Steam store description of Shattered Skies is an enjoyable experience, like laying down money for a Powerball lottery ticket when the prize pool has kicked into nine-digit territory. Full-loot PVP in an open-world FPS game? With crafting, dynamic PVE-PVP objectives and skill progression? For a certain subspecies of
by Victor Grunn
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (hereafter SKSV) is a game bursting at the seams with shamelessness and T&A – but mostly the T&A. Developed by Tamsoft of Hyperdimension Neptunia fame, the game is a straightforward and unlock-heavy take on the 3D beat-em-up genre. So what do you get
by Victor Grunn