This new book is larger, features organizational changes, updates almost all of the monsters, and introduces new ones.
by Steven Starkey
Wizards of the Coast’s next book for the Dungeons & Dragons 2024 updated rules is the Monster Manual 2024. GamingTrend had a chance to hear from the co-leads for the 2024 Monster Manual, Jeremy Crawford, the Game Director for D&D and Wes Schneider, Principal Game Designer for
by Steven Starkey
Wizards of the Coast’s next book for the Dungeons & Dragons 2024 updated rules is the Dungeon Master’s Guide. GamingTrend had a chance to hear from Wizards of the Coast’s lead designers for the new DMG, Chris Perkins and James Wyatt about what we can expect to
by Steven Starkey
As hard as it may be for some of us to believe, Dungeons & Dragons has been around for fifty years and D&D’s fifth edition has been out for ten. Taking over from fourth edition after an extensive public playtest and development, the new fifth edition was
by Steven Starkey
Wizards of the Coast’s next adventure book for its Dungeons & Dragons line is Quests from the Infinite Staircase. We had a chance to hear from Justice Ramin Arman, senior game designer at WOTC, about this upcoming anthology. Like Tales from the Yawning Portal, this set of six adventures
by Steven Starkey
One of the iconic magic items in the D&D multiverse is the Deck of Many Things. As a young DM, it was one of the items that I often considered using in my games. A deck of cards found in the midst of a dragon’s hoard that
by Steven Starkey
In D&D lore giants share the stage with dragons as the first races to rise to prominence. The giant races are credited with having been around almost as long as the dragons and having fought wars lasting generations against the dragons for dominance over the world. While dragons
by Steven Starkey
Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has populated the shelves of 5th edition Dungeon Masters with a lot of hardback adventures. From WotC’s offerings, groups can adventure in the various official settings. They can face off against dragons, giants, demons, and devils. Players can travel to other planes, or even
by Steven Starkey