The fourth installment of the Assassin’s Creed comic series continues to follow the exploits of hard-hearted Assassin Tom Stoddard as he seeks...
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been playing Fable since 2004. Sure, they might not always meet the outlandish and occasionally unrealistic...
XCOM 2 has been very much on my radar since I saw it in motion at E3. I’ve watched hours of playthroughs...
Part two of the Assassin’s Creed comic series jumps us right to our hero Char’s maiden dive inside the ancestral mind of...
When the Crystal Dynamics team tackled Rise of the Tomb Raider they knew that they wanted to take the harrowing experience Lara...
Dragons: Riders of the Berk Collector’s Edition adds to the story of viking dragon-riders from the popular film and television series. This...
I love little else like a good mystery, memorable characters, and a taste of foreign culture. Samurai gave me none of these...
If there is a setting in Dungeons & Dragons that deserves its own book to showcase the amazing stories found therein, it...
Insight Editions has gotten to run with one of the largest flags in the industry the past few years, and this year...
For as much rich lore and cultures that the Dragon Age series boasts, you’d think at this point we’d have more stories...
We all wanted Japan, but Ubisoft wanted to make another trip to Europe for a pivotal event in modern history — the...
In tandem with the release of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Titan Comics has embarked on a new soft-cover comic series set in the...
Delve not into caverns nor dungeons, but the threatening darkness of the unknown with this newest supplement for the Pathfinder line. The...
The Underdark is one of the most popular, yet least understood, settings in the Forgotten Realms universe. It’s also a setting that...
While the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight could lovingly be called a trainwreck, there is one thing that is true across...
Nowadays, it’s hard to be a gamer and not come across the word ‘roguelike’ regularly. The term now occupies that uncomfortable spot...
Hey Gaming Trend readers! We’ve once again teamed up with Insight Editions, this time to bring you a giveaway that’ll light up...
Evolve is, arguably, the spiritual successor to the mega-hit Left 4 Dead series. Developer Turtle Rock Studios created an entire world called...
When non-gamers want to point to a symbol of videogames, it’s typically either World of Warcraft, or more commonly, Halo that comes...
Total War Attila was just released (February 17th, 2015), but it is hardly Creative Assembly’s first march into battle. The team has...
When you write a book and declare the top 100 console games of all time, it’s a bit of a sticky subject. ...
Being committed to a fiction requires more than a slick veneer to pull your audience in. It requires a great deal of...
This is how it’s done. There are art books that I’ve checked out in the past that give you the journey from...
Games are awesome, but sometimes a little difficult. It can be hard to find the one requirement to top off your achievements,...
I bet if I stopped somebody on the street and asked them to hum the theme to Game of Thrones they’d likely...
We are rapidly approaching the launch of the next chapter in the Assassin’s Creed series; furling our sails to make landfall in...
If you read my review of Watch Dogs you know that I enjoyed the hacking culture of the game quite a bit....
The Last of Us was a fantastic achievement in storytelling and art direction – in fact, we liked it so much that...
Readers of Gaming Trend are pretty well aware that I’m a sucker for game artwork – it’s why I buy Collector’s Editions...
Right around the corner is easily the most anticipated Xbox One title that we know. While Microsoft and the third-party partners prep...
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is gorgeous on the next-generation platforms, and recently you’ve had the chance to see it for yourself....