No matter how the plot unfolds at the end of inFamous 2, the story of Cole MacGrath is set to continue. Capcom...
There have been a lot of rumors about the next handheld coming from Sony. They have finally made it official with...
Game, Set, Match! The news out of E3 from Sega is that Virtua Tennis 4 will be a launch title for the...
To be honest, I don’t recall ever having heard of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning before today. Reckoning is solidly on my radar...
The King of Fighters series is coming back once again with The King of Fighters XIII. The game is known for its...
Namco Bandai is bringing PS3 owners a special treat this Fall with the release of Tekken Hybrid. The game features a collection...
Turbine has just announced that their third expansion for Lord of the Rings Online, entitled Rise of Isengard is set to...
Atlus just announced the sequal to one of the best RPGs on the DS with Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2. The...
Nintendo is continuing to uphold its status as an innovative console designer, today announcing some of the features we’ll see in its...
This is my first year attending any of the press conferences prior to E3, and the day started with the Electronic Arts...