The successful launch of Bioware’s MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic has made headlines for its booming popularity, establishing an initial player...
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to pitch a perfect game in 2K Sports’ MLB series, but lack the time,...
I’ll be blunt: I enjoy playing games where I mindlessly, frantically gun down hordes of creatures with a wide variety of weapons....
The second season of Game of Thrones won’t be coming until April of this year, but we aren’t sure exactly when the...
Obsidian Entertainment has been releasing a steady trickle of screenshots for their upcoming South Park RPG, and now they’ve bundled up a...
With its release coming up at the end of the month, Paradox Interactive has launched the official webpage for their RTS/RPG King...
I’m a huge fan of nifty gaming equipment on my computer, and I’m always looking for better items to put on my...
For the second weekend in a row, the authentication servers governing access to Ubisoft-published PC games are offline, denying legitimate customers access...
This is the news that old-school strategy gamers have been waiting for: Firaxis has announced plans to do a “proper” remake of...
As Namco’s work on Soul Calibur V comes to an end, your work begins: deciding which of the various retailer-specific extras you’re...