Heroes of Ruin, an action-adventure 3DS title with an emphasis on online play and a dynamic experience, has just released the first...
The next Sins of a Solar Empire game enters into final stages of its beta testing today as the nomadic Vasari rejoin...
As Grim Dawn sails into the final three days of its Kickstarter funding drive, the team behind the game is revealing more...
Despite all the positive buzz coming off the multiplayer beta for the next Ghost Recon squad-based shooter, Ubisoft isn’t done stoking the...
Two downloadable Pokemon games, Pokemon Dream Radar and Pokedex 3D Pro, will be released for the 3DS this Fall. Both titles are...
If you’re a PC or PS3 gamer, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II will be available for your enjoyment starting today. The...
Australian gamers woke up to a nasty surprise yesterday when GAME, one of the country’s biggest video game retail chains, filed for...
Eastasiasoft just released a ton of new screenshots from their upcoming downloadable title, Rainbow Moon. It’s a stratgey RPG that follows the...
Man, the wait for Diablo 3 is kind of a pain, isn’t it? Not so much the waiting part, but the fact...
TERA Online’s a MMORPG that’s been getting a fair amount of discussion lately, for a number of reasons – first and foremost...