When you take a look at the sport of hockey, skating is a huge fundamental of the sport. EA has taken that...
There have been some images rolling around with a figure that looks like he belongs to the Dead Space universe. However, the...
Agent 47 is no stranger to violence, but what happens when the violence gets a little stranger? In this, the E3 2012...
Nintendo fired the opening salvo between the big three this afternoon, courtesy of the Wii U. Showing off their new controller, the...
Holy smokes! LEGO characters that talk! Warner Bros. and TT Games has announced that they’ll be bringing us LEGO versions of the...
Gamepires is a new developer on the scene, which makes it difficult to know what to expect from their first title, Gas...
From the latest trailer to the leaked screenshots from earlier this year, Assassin’s Creed III is shaping up to look like a...
When we saw Metal Gear Rising: Revengance last year, there were a lot of questions of how the gameplay would work. I’m...
Sega wants players to know that they are almost ready to bring Jet Set Radio to Xbox Live, PSN, and PC this...
Konami kicks off E3 without us (where’s the love, Konami??) with their press conference this morning. Kicking things off we get a...