Wizards of the Coast has announced D&D Celebration 2020 will take place on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of September, 2020. This...
At PAX Unplugged 2019, Gaming Trend was lucky enough to get a chance to sit down and talk to Ryan Schapals and...
We had a chance to sit down at PAX Unplugged with Larian Studios and their new game, Divinity Original Sin: The Board...
Wizards of the Coast has posted a survey to find out about their D&D player base. The questions range from the respondent’s...
KeyForge is a two player card game from Fantasy Flight Games designed by Richard Garfield, the designer of Magic the Gathering, King...
Crouching in the bushes on an isolated part of the battlefield, Rebel Pathfinders monitor Imperial troops moving towards a critical communications relay....
A board game version of the Company of Heroes video game is on Kickstarter. Designed to capture the look and feel of...
The Rebel Troopers are dug in behind heavy cover, but have taken some casualties from the intense fire coming from two fast-moving...
Flocks of birds wheel and turn through the air while a group of enthusiasts try to coax them into their aviaries. You...
Luke Skywalker, lightsaber in hand, leads a small strike force across the desolate landscape of an alien planet. The Rebels are moving...